Powerful results are possible with Philips InCourage vest therapy and RespirTech’s support program

I am living, breathing proof

Once I received my [Philips] InCourage therapy vest, within the first week, I noticed that clearing my lungs was extremely easy.”* 

Autum E., COPD and bronchiectasis

*Individual results may vary.

What is bronchiectasis?

Bronchiectasis (bron-kee-ech-tuh-sis) is a common but often undiagnosed condition caused by chronic inflammation of the airways.1 Bronchiectasis widens and scars the airways of the lungs so you can’t clear out mucus as you normally would. This can result in chronic inflammation and infections. If untreated, bronchiectasis can result in a cycle of worsening symptoms.2

Bronchiectasis is often associated with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).3 It's estimated that half of people living with serious COPD may have bronchiectasis.4

What are the symptoms and complications of bronchiectasis?

  • Reduced lung function4
  • A “wet” cough with mucus that won’t go away5
  • Chest infections that require antibiotics4,6
  • A need for supplemental oxygen4,6
  • One or more hospital stays per year4,6

Talking to your doctor is the first step to breathing easier


If you’re living with moderate-to-severe COPD and think you may have bronchiectasis, it’s important to find out for sure so you can begin treatment and start enjoying the benefits of better breathing and a healthier life.7 Follow these simple steps:

One icon

Fill out the quiz below to determine if you are having symptoms of bronchiectasis. Talk with your doctor about your results.

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Your doctor may order a high resolution CT scan to check for bronchiectasis.

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Learn more about the Philips InCourage system, and ask your doctor if vest therapy is the right airway clearance treatment for you.

Talk to your doctor – could you have bronchiectasis?


To determine if you may be a candidate for vest therapy, please answer the following questions. You can share this information with your healthcare provider.

Do you currently have moderate-to-severe COPD, chronic bronchitis or bronchiectasis?



In the last 12 months, have you been hospitalized two or more times for respiratory issues?



In the last 12 months, have you needed antibiotics to treat cough/infection more than three times?



Have you been coughing up mucus for longer than three months?



Does your cough impact your daily activities?



If you answered “yes” to any of the questions, talk with your doctor.


Many of the symptoms can be associated with bronchiectasis (BE), a chronic respiratory condition that can produce excess mucus in the lungs that is difficult to cough out. If you have not yet been screened for bronchiectasis, your doctor may order a high resolution CT scan to check for the condition.

Fill out the inquiry form below to receive a BE information packet filled with educational materials to bring to your doctor.


Our specialists are always happy to answer any questions you or your physician may have.


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Monday - Friday

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What is vest therapy?


Vest therapy is a safe8,9 and effective10,11 way to clear mucus from your lungs and airways. When used regularly, vest therapy may lead to a better quality of life.7

Powerful results – proven to make a difference for people with bronchiectasis

Powerful results – proven to make a difference for people with bronchiectasis

After 12 months of Philips InCourage vest therapy and RespirTech’s support program, people reported 12,13

Hospital icon

Yearly rate of hospitalization decreased

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Lungs icon

Ability to clear lungs

Good-excellent rating increased

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Health rate icon

Respiratory health

Good-excellent rating increased

Arrow up


Antibiotic icon

Antibiotic use decreased

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Proof points


Hear from others about starting Philips InCourage vest therapy and RespirTech’s support program.

Become your own living, breathing proof


Fill out the form below to receive your RespirTech bronchiectasis information kit, then talk with your doctor to see if the InCourage system may be right for you.


  1. Maselli DJ, Amalakuhan B, Keyt H, Diaz AA. Suspecting non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis: What the busy primary care clinician needs to know. Int J Clin Pract. 2017;71(2):e12924.
  2. Cole P. The damaging role of bacteria in chronic lung infection. J Antimicrob Chemother. 1997;40 (suppl A):5-10.
  3. Blasi F, Chalmers JD, Aliberti S. COPD and bronchiectasis: phenotype, endotype or co-morbidity? COPD. 2014;11(6):603-604.
  4. Martínez-García MA, de la Rosa Carrillo D, Soler-Cataluña JJ, et al. Prognostic value of bronchiectasis in patients with moderate-to-severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2013;187(8):823-831.
  5. King P. Pathogenesis of bronchiectasis. Paediatr Respir Rev. 2011;12 (2):104-110.
  6. Du Q, Jin J, Liu X, Sun Y. Bronchiectasis as a comorbidity of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis. PloS One. 2016;11(3):e0150532.
  7. American Thoracic Society. ATS Patient Education Series. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2017:195:15-16.
  8. Brierley S, Adams C, Suelter J, Gooch T, Becker B. Safety and tolerance of high-frequency chest wall oscillation (HFCWO) in hospitalized critical care patients. Respir Care. 2003;48 (11):1112. (abstract) Note: Observational study of 73 criticalcare/post-surgical patients treated with HFCWO.
  9. RespirTech Post Risk Review RAR10001v12.
  10. Nicolini A, Cardini F, Landucci N, Lanata S, Ferrari-Bravo M, Barlascini C. Effectiveness of treatment with high-frequency chest wall oscillation in patients with bronchiectasis. BMC Pulm Med. 2013;13:21. Note: 37 BE patient study comparing HFCC, OPEP or no-ACT.
  11. Barto T, Daignault S, Stiglich J, Porter J, Kraemer C, Hansen G. Registry outcomes for HFCWO vest therapy in adult patient with bronchiectasis. Poster presented at: American Thoracic Society Conference; May 15, 2016; San Francisco, CA. Note: 2596 BE patient registry study comparing hospitalizations, antibiotic use and self-reported QOL metrics before and after HFCWO therapy.
  12. RespirTech’s bronchiectasis patient outcomes program consists of follow-up calls at periodic intervals for up to two years to encourage HFCWO adherence and ensure the device is properly set for individual needs.
  13. *Methodology: Phone surveys at regular intervals with bronchiectasis patients using the InCourage system. Data collection began in 10/01/2013. As of 03/01/2022, the total cohort was 25,209 patients; 21,049 patients completed the baseline survey; 13,303 patients in 1-month cohort; 9,569 in 6-month cohort; 7,720 in 12-month cohort


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